Faculty Workshop: Developing Successful NIH Diversity Supplements
Posted: 2/12/2020 (Funding and Local Events)
Faculty and post-doctorates, mark your calendars! There is an upcoming Faculty Workshop on NIH Diversity Supplements on February 27th and 28th. RSVP now using this link! The topics that will be covered during the workshop include:
- Purpose and benefits of applying for NIH Diversity Supplements (Administrative or Minority Supplements)
- NEW eligibility criteria, application process and components of a successful application
- Panel discussion highlighting the experiences of current UW faculty who have been awarded Diversity Supplements
Workshop 1: Thursday Feb. 27th (Harborview Medical Center Room 1309, 1:30 – 3:45pm)
Workshop 2: Friday, Feb. 28th (Health Sciences Building K-069, 8:30 – 10:45am)
Diversity Supplements are administrative grants that tie into existing NIH grants held by faculty. They directly align with the UW Diversity Blueprint, increasing a diverse student body and future workforce. Supplements provide additional funding for research, professional development and academic support (i.e., tuition, stipend and health insurance), with funding available for up to 4 years. The average annual cost of hiring a graduate or post-doctoral student Research Assistant ranges from $65-80K. A Diversity Supplement will defray these costs by adding supplemental grant funding, so that faculty can focus on mentorship and research. Grants requests may provide up to 4 years of funding, which includes additional research funds, tuition, stipend and health insurance.
Click the link below for more information.